it is time to embrace your magic.

Step into your feminine wisdom

Break free from ties that hold you back

Discover your gifts

Heal your past

Embody the goddess within

Life is a journey toward your purpose.

I am here to light the way.

My Story

I began working with energy in 2018 after a long, transformative period of leaning into my intuition.

I used to live life by the checklist system.

I did what I thought I was supposed to do when I was supposed to do it. I graduated from college, got married, earned a Master’s Degree, got a full-time job, bought a house, and had a baby - all by the age of 27.

I had achieved everything I set out to achieve, yet I was unhappy and suffering from anxiety and depression. I completed the life list that society gave me and I didn’t know what to do next. Without a list, I didn’t know the way. I could hear a faint whisper in my heart, a yearning to follow my own path, but I didn’t trust it. Yet.

I was out of balance, disconnected from my truth, and aching for transformation.

It took many more years and some heavy lessons for me to come to a full stop and start listening to myself and my inner knowing above anyone else.

I surrendered to my inner knowing.

Once I did, I quickly learned how naturally attuned I am to Universal Energy. The intuitive gifts that were always within me unfolded rapidly. I became devoted to meditation, energy work, and the wisdom of the feminine body. I stepped into my true self. I can help you do the same. I will shine the light on your unique path, giving you the clarity and confidence you need to take your next step and start living the life you were meant to live.

“remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho